All our advice for getting started as a distributor of connected objects

Connected objects have become essential to modern society. They are practical tools in organizing daily tasks. Both children and adults use these devices extensively without realizing it. Therefore, this market represents an excellent investment for investors. How to go about launching as a distributor of connected objects in France?

Your initial motivation

If you want to become a distributor of connected objects, you need to know what really motivates you . Start by concretely listing your ambitions and objectives: do you want to limit yourself to selling connected objects online or do you also want to have a physical store?

These aspects are the guarantors of the profitability of your projects, because when you are set on your aspirations, it is easy for you to put together a business plan. The latter is important, since it allows you to have precise ideas about the viability of your activity.

Distributor of connected objects: market study

Market research is another important step to take when you have made the decision to become a distributor of connected objects. It provides some answers to different questions that an entrepreneur must ask himself before launching his activity.

With this in mind, you will understand the place of your future activity in relation to the market trend . Furthermore, it will allow you to know what the possible constraints of your project are. Indeed, market research is an opportunity to know your competitors , in particular their place on the market (leader, challenger, etc.) as well as their mode of operation. It is also necessary to determine your target customers and their behavior .

The list of answers obtained and questions is exhaustive. This process shows you the guideline to follow to successfully complete your project. The data collected will be introduced into your business plan. Its implementation allows you to estimate your future turnover. However, to give this hypothesis a chance of being realized, you need to set specific goals . This is essential to plan economically before moving on to the next steps.

Finance the creation of your business

Finding financing is one of the stages most feared by investors. As you want to become a distributor of connected objects, you need starting funds to launch your project. The start-up and development of your future company essentially rests on this point. There are many options, but only a few are effective and allow you to quickly launch your business.

First, you can opt for internal financing . In other words, you finance your project with your own capital and that of your partners . The amount collected will constitute the share capital of your future company.

Secondly, you can opt for bank financing . Banking establishments can provide you with credit to finance your project. You have the choice between different types of loans, such as creation credit or factoring.

Third, external financing is also an interesting solution. This is financing obtained from a participatory financing policy, such as crowdfunding.

Distributor of connected objects: surround yourself with competent partners

Unless you have great skills in selling connected devices, it's a good idea to partner with others who have this ability.

Collaborating with people capable of bringing added value to your future business is a significant advantage for the development of your business. If you master the field of sales, your partners can take care of the administrative aspect, for example.

So, the main thing is to cooperate with profiles that complement yours . Furthermore, the person(s) must have the same vision as you in the development of the company.

Therefore, before setting up your project to become a distributor of connected objects, talk about it with those around you . They may be good advice to help you set up your project. Seek advice from people who have experience at the professional level.

Also feel free to browse online forums or participate in workshops for new entrepreneurs .

Asking for help from specialized organizations is another way to successfully launch your company. Focus on those who work in the public or private sector. Your choice should be determined based on your expectations.

Define your business status

Once these various stages of the project to sell connected objects are completed, you must officially create your business.
As part of a company selling connected objects, you have the possibility of choosing between several legal statuses:

  • EURL single-member SARL or SASU if you are alone
  • The SARL within the framework of an association with other persons.

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